AMP DJ, Omar talks to Linkin Park singer, Chester Bennington about new music and working with Kiiara on the band's new single, "Heavy". Recorded live in the Adorama Live Theatre on the StubHub Stage.
- Wess' Free Kicks & More!: Kenpachi The destroyer Yeah I'm almost sure this'll be a shit album
- Kosta Katsahnias: RIP LEGEND.
- Crimson Rose: I really think that the new song sucks. I'm an old fan, and love the older Linkin Park music. I didn't outright hate it, and wasn't complaining about it.
But, since, Chester basically said "fuck you" to the older fans, like me, I'm just not gonna support the newer music, as long as he continues to act like that.
If Linkin Park wants to be sellouts and doesn't care about the genre and fans that made them what and who they are, than fuck them.
- Vivek Bhojwani: Rip
- CJ: Vheissu you don't know much. They called out rock music for sounding like Disney channel music, but heavy never was meant to be a rock song you fucking dipshit
- Tomasz Owsianko: "I'm fantastic, thank you"
- Mohd Shamsul Ikram: He ( chester ) remind me about -FREEDY KRUEGER...hahahahahahahaha
- Gurupreet Singh: Come to India
- Rose Red: Heavy is such a heavy disappointment!!
- Linkinlenya: Can't wait for the album to come out!!! It's gonna be awesome, that's for sure!!! <3
- Vheissu: Chester looks like a douchebag, a douche version of Freddy Krueger. This band has become a joke and the new song is horrible. Remember when they released their previous album and they were calling out other bands who had gone soft? Ironic.
- Lidy Voitier: chester Bennington is ... dead....
- Chunkynumnums: ugh it just warms my heart to know Chester Bennington and Cory Taylor are bros, so awesome.
- Dalen Green: I can't wait for this album honestly. Mikes vocals have always been a favorite of mine. Fort Minor was the shit.
- Fairy C Rat: So glad there's at least one song on OML with rapping from Mike!
- Howie Forever: Yeah man Chester is 100% right about Mikes voice!
- H. Art: Over 100 demos???? If only we could hear them...
- Sycos: What a load of crap hahahaha
- FemmyIsHere: Why is this channel verified when it only has 2000 subs?
- vaibhav sonkamble: Bairon Valbuena I'm the one who SINGS😝
- Brimoney Vlogs: RIP chester the best singer in the entire world
- Dillon Lopez: Wow one year ago today
- Samantha Eiler: I cannot believe some of the disrespectful comments on here. You are Linkin Park's and you're supposed to act like you have some class. You have nothing nice to say don't you remember the Golden Rule? I support Linkin Park through everything because Me Myself and I love Linkin Park through everything. You people disgust me with your nasty comments. I'm sure you ate your words a few months later. I love you Chester and the rest of the guys I will love you forever no matter what you do you guys are the shit
- Sabine Spies: Coffee with a little bit sugar at night like me💔💘 all the time shades of grey...💕
- Asadel H.: +Bella Sutton I know, thats why Im excited.
And he does rap, he did so in Blackout from ATS and hes honestly a really good rapper. He rapped Twenty One Pilot's Heavydirtysoul with insane speed and no mistake, and also rapped Beastie Boy's "Sabotage"
- Margo Vakhlis: Zahir Junejo I think it's more about the words and context. :)
- Mayoos Mayoos: Muhammad Hashir your comment made my heart ache
- Chunkynumnums: +xKiLLerXTa5Kx did you watch the whole interview? Chester talked Corey Taylor (Slipknot) and asked his opinion about the new single
- Rose Red: Heisenburg
- Just Believe: Vheissu It's bcoz of people like your fucking self that we lost a lot of unique artists/singers such as Chester. If you don't like it, just keep it to your fucking self. Don't brag it around.
- The Mars Man: R.I.P LP for life.
- strange disasterpiece: Corey Taylor was like... "sure fuck it, whatever floats your boat man."
Chester: "Corey Taylor things the new single is the shit!"
Fans: "he's right, it's shit!"
- Matthew Nelson: Crimson Rose selling out would be making hybrid theory 2.0 or meteora 2.0
- Die Stimme Vom Dach: RIP Chester Bennington!
- jim sparkley: RIP my dear.
- Atheris: Heavy is honestly a super great song
- Farhan Syed: Well he is no more
- RailwayvideosbyMrN: So Zane low is to blame for Heavy! Keel heem!
- Danny Jay: He was a star who gives a shit.
- Akshay 2018: 💙
- Bryan13 -98: Crimson Rose then*
- Allison Qi: He's such a great man
- Rens van Deursen: he likes twenty one pilots, thats why their music sucks now
- linkin krap: seems legit to wear sunglasses in winter, indoors
- Hope Gallagher: Acid Palms I'm really glad they did. I've never connected as instantly with a song as Heavy, right from the first line to the last. I know it's not everyone's style, but I love it.
- Insomniac: Zahir Junejo Did you ever think it was about subject matter and not screaming? Fool
- preacher411: Prince of Freeze you know there's this thing they do every year called Linkin Park Underground...
- 3lit3gn0m3: Yeah it's not heavy at all...I can lift it with my thoughts.
Sound waves are no match for me.
- P L: I'm sorry so sorry
- Just Jessee: Chester himself states that he raps on a song during this interview.
- Kenny 11: +Wess' Free Kicks & More! Which part???
- Aaron Trainor: Goat Nelson Selling out means experimenting,What the Band started doing since MTM
- mjthegreatest7: too pop for hard rock, too hard rock for pop. that's nobody else but Linkin Park that's why they stand out! best band of the 21th century
- Joshinator: so the glasses are the problam but not the hat?
- xKiLLerXTa5Kx: What?
- Tammy Bacon: I love it 💖
- Emily Bennington: Kisses for Chazzy! Mwah!
- Wess' Free Kicks & More!: Kenpachi The destroyer According to Chester, in this very interview, the album is going to be pop-ish. Basically meaning that there won't be a rock song. I thought that would be clear since you're commenting on the interview where he said it.
- choirs and concerts: Such an intelligent person! R.I.P.
- Guts: Chester is friends with Corey but called Slipknot "hard rock"?
Umm Chester my man you may be a little off on that one :p
- Elsha Black: Can't believe Chester is gone :(
- Anonymous User: RIP Chester! Pure Nostalgia listening to LP! Their music helped alot of people.
- Acyutananda 108: "When you write a good song, it doesn't matter what style it is, as long as the substance of the song is good."
Thanks, Chester. I'm going to remember that one.
And their band really embodied that principle. They've never written an album I didn't open my heart to.
- Catwow: Who's the douchebag now?
- Anthony Away: Rest In Peace Chester...
We will never forget you.
- Icon of Gamers: he is not with us anymore
- bringjeffthehorizon: P.S. the new music SUCKS!
- Aaron Trainor: Vheissu Chester was essentially a white Tupac Shakur,He was a mortal man who's death was coming for him
- Allison Qi: Chester is so freaking cute
- Tammy Bacon: LINKIN PARK has NEVER made a song I Didn't Love 💖💖
- Zahir Junejo: for a song that is titled heavy, its not really that heavy.
- SG03: Linkin Parks logic- Here's what our fans want, lets go completely 180!
- Muhammad Hashir: here he is ... alive and talking
who thought 5 month later will be his end'
- Bradley Watts: so sad :(
- Su Driller: Good luck Lp fans
- Richard Carrillo Jr: Rest In Peace, Chester!
- Iyanla Mandy: Vheissu I bet feeling pretty bad now with what's going on
- Kieran Strudwick: RIP💔 Chester Bennington
- Brenda Orwig: Know one could ever replace you Chester .. One lite that we will forever miss .I dont think Lincon Park can be. LINCON PARK with out CHESTER. YOU ARE THE GLUE THAT HELD IT TOGETHER.... we love you Chester. R.I.P.
- Thebigbustycoon: ▶ 🔘──────── 01:32
- Courage: Well we obviously didn't know what he was going through to the full extent. The guy could have had a panic attack or just broke down before the interview.. or couldn't sleep the entire night because if his illness but humans don't really take anything much into consideration.
- Wess' Free Kicks & More!: Kenpachi The destroyer 8:53 12:15 19:24
- greZzia007: 😢
- Alejandro Dostoevsky: hahahah Heisenberg bennigton interview hahaha.
- ToteKopie: FemmyIsHere probably by being a company having the rights on their name and being able to verify that to YouTube
- Jonathon Rocha: I've been a fan since the beginning as well and they're just evolving. Of course they don't want to write the same stuff they did when they were like 20. Mentalities change throughout time. Their sound obviously changed but the lyrics remained the same. If you're just focused on the "heavy" sound, then you're missing out on something great.
- CliffHanger: I want to listen all their 140 demos! <3
- bringjeffthehorizon: I think its so stupid that he wears sunglasses at a interview, talk about disrespectful
- Daniel Tucker: R.I.P. Chester
- The Mars Man: Zahir Junejo because you’re not listening to music in the right way you need to understand and sync yourself into it
It also has to speak to in a way that hits home like it dose me
- Ashley Alafberg: Dalen Green hell yes!!!
- Mistah AC: So the question I have is... should artists in pop music express themselves in full (even if that means changing to a new sound), or should they be making the music that their fans want (and risk becoming formulaic)? I don't mind a new sound as long as it's good and I have to say the new album, without comparisons to other albums, is quite good content.
- Cole Hintermeister: "If Mike could sing, I"d be out of a job. But I think at this point I'm securely fastened."
You'll never be out of a job, Chester. We'll miss you, a lot.
- Cos mos: This made me feel you are still alive. Rip, miss you very much
- Chocolatezeus: I miss you...
- Asadel H.: Idk but Sorry For Now sounds really cool. I mean Chester rapping and Mike singing on the same song?? wow! Im really looking forward to hear it
- Fernando Soares: R.I.P Chester! Big Loss! =(
- Richard Ölvedi: how are you? "fantastic"... no we know that this was not true :( R.I.P, you were a legend we love you!
- Sofia de la rosa: why Chester? why? :(
- Spectre: Rose Red i just hate you...
- An Empty Cup: bringjeffthehorizon Your definition of disrespectful is fucked.
- Logan Stegall: Evolving is cool. But y'all had a great sound, don't completely abandon it. Going to listen to Hybrid Theory.
- Ric Wayne: Chunkynumnums yeah same =D
- Anurag Gangal: This is so sad to watch right now. He literally looks fine, like there's nothing wrong with him. You never know what someone is going through.
- bio-dj randomness: some of those words gave me hope...for the album
- Iyanla Mandy: the least people could do is recognize it all comes from the heart and it's real for them. Why do you think people fell in love with the band anyways
- choirs and concerts: Suicide ... OMG!
- BellaGrace: Asadel H. Chester doesn't rap, it's the other way around
- harshveer singh: Gurupreet Singh bhai aata hi nhi ha yeh
- ArsiekDHOL: "he never stops dude!" :D mike
- Brother in Christ: i like linkin park, they are a great band and i like that they expeiriment but heavy is a TERRIBLE song.
- Courage: Welp.. theres always the inconspicuous parts of music merely when someone dies does people actually appreciate what was made. This should be a lesson to everyone who disliked the album for the sake of pop music. Narrow mindedness does not help your growth. There's also a lot you can tell about the intelligence of the listener who goes as far as dropping support for the band for merely pop music. Most specifically the type that says "wear are the guitars"? Or " It has heavy guitars so it's good by all means, and if not heavy sounding then it's utter shit".
- Acid Palms: 150 songs and they picked Heavy.... interesting...
- Mariano: Rest in Peace Chester <3
- Danny Jay: TheJukeboxhero15 how?
- Kenny 11: Wess' Free Kicks & More! Ok I apologise and take back everything I said (19:24 was the part that I got), but ok a new question then does this mean every other song is gonna be shit or terrible???. I ask as yes a lot of pop is shit. But ik a few good ones.
- Rupendra Singh: I live on coffee😄😄😄😆😆! RIP dear.
- Velvet Room: they're new album is good an anyone who don't like it good for you honestly they could care less they are multi millionaires so stop thinking you matter lmao at end of day you like it an adapt with them an if not kick rocks
- olnfan16: looks like good goodbye should be a really good song
- SuperBentendo10: Zahir Junejo the lyrics are.
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Chester Bennington Talks New Linkin Park Album & "Heavy" Single |
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