AMP Radio DJ Astra talks to "Mob Wives" star Drita D'Avanzo about series finale the loss of Big Ang.
- Duke Torres: oh yeah first dritas Karen's friend then she's not then she's butt buddies with Carla then drops her like a fly she's a FAKE ASS BITCH thank u
- Paulo Milan: +Duke Torres based on what the edited footage on the show? and in that case Renee, Marrisa and Karen are also arrogant.
- Estella Camacho: I’ve always liked Drita
- Sarah Burggraf: Drita a beast
- Kareema Barnett: kobebabe909 Yesssss, love ❤️ her life....
- oman416: I don't think Dritas "success story" is much success. She got with her good friends ex that's a bank robber and steals from people in order to have money...
- CJ Castro: damn. the interviewer is so biased
- Emily Mooch: Team Drita and Big Ang all the way ❤
- elana604: erm what happened to the sound
- Ingrid Fuentes: Drita (&Ang) was the show, the other women were jokers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Karina: Drita and Big Ang will forever be my favorites! ๐๐๐
- Marie Rose: the interviewer๐ very unprofessional
- DeLano Braboy: +mr hollands opus EXACTLY!! Like Drita said, Karen gets her father involved in too much stuff. Drita never talked about Karens father all she said was she involves him too much. Then the production never showed any of the stuff Drita was saying that Karen said which was filmed. It's also funny how every season almost, all of Dritas friends such as natalie, Alicia, Brittany are all being targeted and pushed off the show because they are friends with Drita.
- Love Leonard: exactly #teamdrita
- Gezim Prishtina: Drita ur Name Is an Albanien Name, Drita means Light ๐ค
- Britt Cadena: drita the fakest of all and this bitch is a bad interviewer she should suck dritas dic*.....wack a assess as as thumbs down to this interview
- Paulo Milan: I don't know why people pick sides like you actually know these people in real life. hello edited footage isn't a true indication of anyone's personality.
- Darren Green: Then let's mention how 20 years ago that relationship ruined you all relationship as friends
- Duke Torres: drita never said green screen gangster and Karen isn't afraid of her. Karen gave her a black eye season 2 1st episode.
- Liana Ward: +zozo S where did I say I didn't like your post? I just asked what was she lying about.
- Duke Torres: +Paul Grant based on how she behaves
- Nicole D: I like Drita and all butttt imma need her to stop with the bulls@%!t...and this interviewer needs to stop being biase๐๐ช
- o: naw man she seems so cool
- e-boogie: the interviewer is dick riding Drita
- Jerry Hawthorne,Jr.: I miss you Drita
- Jenlo: +Duke Torres ๐
- Liana Ward: Oh gawd I can't take no more of the drama, it was stupid! I only sided Drita because the husband ain't right that's fam, and drita took up for Karen when Natalie was dogging her father. But everything else NO
- john santana neira: Why in New York everybody consider Drita an idol? It doesn't matter what Karen did, if she said this or that, Drita, you are an adult and there's no need to be beating everybody around. You're a liar, double face. That gils on the microphone is an ass kisser.
- Liana Ward: +pretty Love Oh yeah Drita's phony balogna, on season episode when Karen hadn't come back to Staten Island and the part when Renee didn't want Karen to go to Carla's party, and the part Drita was at Carla's house doing her makeup. And Carla and Drita both laughed at not telling Renee that Karen is coming to her party. Carla chuckled saying she'll just see when she gets there, and the bitch Drita trying to get her drunk AND then gave her a cheer a clicked glasses with Renee when Karen showed up. THE FUCK? I didn't the bitch that whole season.
She didn't even give Karen's first chapter a chance before she started to rip her up, and then let her husband bash her when they were friends and that part was WAYYYY before Karen came to her house and talked about the friendship thing.
- mr hollands opus: +DeLano Braboy Drita's not fake. But, most of the other girls are. If they aren't fake they are azz kissers. Look at Carla, Karen and Renee. Renee is a chicken azz, yet she talks bad about Drita. If Karen worked her mouth on me like she did Drita, I would have gone bananas on her too, like Drita did. I get so tired of her talking about her daddy.
- Angelo Gomez: ๐ hello beyond proud mob ๐ rats
- Stacy DuPont: Um drita your the one that TRIES to glorify the mob. . bitch aint Italian. You mean Karens ex bf. You are a trash bag. Your so uggly and old. Still actimg a fool. Bitch please where is your loyalty
- Precious Mtsweni: this interviewer is just full of shit
- YataPoochiee: Come on team Drita all the way :) and lets not forget Karen lied to and she fake
- TheBrooklynUSA: +Liana Ward
- ahub87: Lol...a sane YouTube comment...a rare jewel
- zozo S: +tiyare exactly!
- Ian Philp: Team Drita...r.i.p Big Ang, best two ladies on the show ✌
- bestia7: Love Drita❤️
- Nnamdi Onuorah: "Pay attention to ya family!" lol
- Elaine Rennie: Karen, keep your ๐ out Drita’s business bitch..!.... move on ffs.. Karen is a fake woman ๐✋๐๐๐
- N J.: give drita her own show,anthing,even a talk show. we love her.
- Rezizmon: Karen and Renne are FAT JEALOUS UGLY ELEPHANT BITCHES.
- shree rose Mancinni: Go Drita we all love you, I was saddened my the news of Big Ang, Mob Wives will not be the same with out her, Hold on to your memories, and let them guide you during this time of sadness.
- IndigoMoon7: I'm rewatching the entire series and you're right. And the fucked up thing is in season 1, Drita wants to justify her betrayal by saying she and Karen were never friends by the time her and Lee got together. Which is messed up because like Karen said, it can be ten years we don't speak, if they are friends, they are friends. That really showed me how far Drita was willing to go, no matter whoes throat she stepped on just to get her point across.
- shpresa0721: Where is the book?!
- Pele Luciano: Idk How None Of You Can See How Fake Drita Is... I Used To Like Her, Interviewer Can Kai balls!
- Duke Torres: taraniso that's the truth and no-one sees it thank u
- Elaine Rennie: Duke shut the fk up, Drita is the only real deal in these woman. RIP big ange
- brandi taylor: and we're all still watching this in 2018... Team Drita!!! ๐๐๐๐๐
- Elizabeth Beltran: She is a tru friend
- miss jackson: <3 her
- Michelle Prinzivalli: I really like Drita she stands her ground
- zozo S: love u Drita! the other delusional women are liars on mob wives!!!!!!!!
- Madea: That interviewer is such a fucking idiot asking the most idiotic questions. Dick riding drita the entire time
- doreena acosta: Suck ass. The girl asking the questions? She should of talked good of all the lady's.. that's so rude! Drita is a liar... And her rapping sucks..
- Melissa Austin: Drita Drita Drita....What a liar. I could give so many examples of how her words don't match up with her actions. Let me just give you an example of this past season. Drita meets Brittany and Brittany starts talking about Marisa right away. Drita chimes in, I don't this girl from any where, then she changes. I actually did run to her at a party and she has twat face, something to that effect. Marisa told Karen I was introduced to Drita once at a party and she snubbed me and I want to know why. First filming they have together, Marisa goes straight up to Drita and basically said the same thing she told Karen and she wanted to know why Drita snubbed her . Drita made up a story fast, "Oh I thought you were this kid that I really can't stand" Drita knew exactly who Marisa was and called her a twat face, but made up a story when she was confronted. I heard her say in a interview that she only knew Karen when she 19 she hung out with her. Drita also adds I didn't who Sammy the Bull was!? I thought her saying that she did not know who Karen's Father?I a long way fron Stanton Island and I knen who Sammy the Bull was. First if you read Karen's book which explains how everyone met and timelines and did not say much about Drita in her book. I just read an interview that Jenn Graziano explaining how everybody knew each other, most of it I read in Karen's book, but Jenns interview was a little more informative about the significance of everybody's connection to each other, plus things Karen did not talk about it, because she wanted the book to be about her dad and how story of her life and being Sammy the Bulls daughter. So many more lies, it would take two pages. lol
- Nia Boo: ♡Drita tell you truth. ..they try to make you the scapegoat, you are entitled to get mad when someone lying on you(your human)!!!!!
- Britny and Whitney: LOVE U DRITTTTAAA
- Duke Torres: idiot my ass dritas cockiness and arrogance is annoying
- indiana hoosier: Someone needs to bring this show back with the original girls !
I miss Drita !
- pat c: I'd smash drita all night.
- 02Nawal: +deondre watkins she's older than that
- Elizabeth Beltran: I love Drita she is very loyal
- enrique soto: look up twitter beef on here. lots of fights. but if someone is talking about your husband you're going on kill
- TheBrooklynUSA: What is the interviewer talking about? Drita doesn't keep it real, that's why she wants to fight all the time.
- NiqueTheSneak1: I have to say that even though Drita gets on my damn nerves on that show, she really seems like a cool person in interviews. I wish they would show more of this side of her on the show.
- Dark N’ Lovely: Drita and big ang realest on the show rip big Ang ❤️
- NiqueTheSneak1: Baddest Brooklyn I'm waiting BITCH!!
- Allen Sadicario: U guys made staten island people look cheap
- JENJI POWA: out of everyone over the 6 seasons dirt i mean dirt i mean dirt!damn spellcheck. anyhoo everyone EXCEPT dirt has evolved. dirt is as angry as ever and she's way too old to look like this kinda dirt, ji
- ahub87: that's not the "success" part. The success is her moving fwd after making poor choices like choosing to run with people like "Lee"
- DeLano Braboy: Can someone please tell me how Drita is fake
- e-boogie: +02Nawal exactly, she's in her early 40's
- Stacy DuPont: Olive garden is more italian then this botch
- 02Nawal: No bitch Karen aired your dirty laundry and exposed your lying ass
- Sara Connor: This interviewer sucks balls. Kiss ass to the max...
- e-boogie: Drita this season was very irrelevant. no one really paid her no mind
- Neal Damiano: I think this young interviewer wanted to carpet munch Drita.
- AugustanFinn: I'm sorry as much as entertaining Drita is her fiery and violent behaviour in this season especially against Karen was really disproportionate.Even Carla said that Drita changed.
- Michelle Cheshire: The women interviewing is stuck up dritas ass she's awful.
- Diane Regan: LOVE ME MY DRITA. HEART OF GOLD. LOYAL, REAL. What else do U need? And she and BIG ANG? Hey, for one another, ALL THE WAY,
hey, GOOD enough for ME.
- Cynthia Linn: Drita is and always will be my favorite
- Amanda Baldounis: Love you ,
- Karina: pat c no, she'll smash you! ๐
- Amanda Baldounis: Team with you and Ang.....sweet love I'm so sorry you have to deal with Petty people.
- Levi Joseph: Love Drita✌๐ฝ️
- Liana Ward: +TheBrooklynUSA Dude she was a two faced since season one episode two. And Drita wanna call Karen a RAT but her book is basically ratting about Karen and her life! No one needs to know about her sexually partners and Karen never dogged Drita out.
- 02Nawal: +e-boogie bitch looks 51
- Dylan Harrington: #temedrita
- truthtella92: Lol all these Karen d-riders in the comments is laughable Karen, Carla and Renee got what they wanted which is make dri look like the bad guy and you zombies are believing it don't believe me follow them on twitter and I bet this very moment they talking ish about her lol smh #teamdrita
- Nadine Foye: Luv this interview!!
- 02Nawal: Drita looks like a hot ass mess. Bitch is still telling lies.
- pretty Love: +Liana Ward yeah but VH1 is done with the Mob Wives but a different network will be picking them up Renee's sister is not done with the mob wives yet boo Renee talking about it on the blog
- 02Nawal: Lol Karen exposed her fake ass lol Drita is a liar.
- Stacy DuPont: Bitch square up. Non Italian fake bitch
- e-boogie: agreed.... Drita is full of shit
- brandi taylor: Stacy.... Drita never claimed to be italian. she always claimed her albanian heritage. and she is ๐ฏ
- Liana Ward: +zozo S Lying about what? And this show is just pass now!
- Elaine Rennie: KAREN YA SLUT
- NiqueTheSneak1: Baddest Brooklyn And when the fuck did I give an opinion. ๐ I stated facts, dumbass.
- mr hollands opus: Drita rocks. She is so real. And, she can hold her own.
- Frances Kellu: love drita ,she never runs with the crowed and when she stands she stands alone , xxxxxx
- mr hollands opus: +Liana Ward The book is about her life and how tough it was coming to where she was to where she is now. It's not about Karen. Actually, Karen doesn't have much to her credit except her daddy. Her boyfriend treats her like sand.
- Liana Ward: +taraniso haha Drita talked shit about Natalie G tweeting on Twitter calling them a Twatter and she's doing it herself.
- Liana Ward: +e-boogie
Except when she wanted to plat victim, I couldn't believe the response Renee got when she told her about the Love situation. Drita started it
- Elaine Rennie: She has enemies all over the globe ๐.... ๐u Drita xoxo ๐
- Nikki MIddleton: love drita!!!! dont take the fake b.s.
- Korell Harp: teamDrita
- Jenlo: whats funny is WITHOUT Karen Starting any Drama ...NOONE WOULD WATCH!. There's gotta be SOME SORT Of girl fighting...Just like Real housewives! Its the BASIS of these Shows!! AND it keeps pple talking about it! so Drita Should be thankful.
- Elizabeth Lang: Love drita she's the only reality in that show
- Jimmy Winkler: i miss you Drita! I hope you get your own show!
- e-boogie: +Natalie s true
- BLESSED SOULJAH: I understand where drita is coming from. How are you gonna call other people names and throw digs and claim that they're racist and in a blink of an eye you're holding hands with the person you were just talking shit about. I could fucking guarantee you I would never be friends with a bitch who claims she's a rat or a racist. All those fake clowny bitches (Renee, Carla, Karen) told their part of the story the whole season and Drita (not one bit) spoke her truth. She bit her fucking tongue and once she had the opportunity to do so she did. Those big mouth old dumb bitches decided to one day gang up on the the #1 member who created mob wives and its popularity, and that was Drita (big Ang too). Mob wives wouldn't have been this successful without the help on drita and ang.
- pretty Love: +Liana Ward exactly
- e-boogie: +Liana Ward right
- Marco Siebenga: This a good side of Drita a fun side that's greet
- JENJI POWA: drit is old as dirt lol!
- JENJI POWA: immature mentality of dirt i mean dirt i saiid dirt u CAN make up with friends and move past issues! that's what we in the adult world called making amends and EVOLVING! she is way too old for this in fact old as dirt!
- Louise Duguid: Drita is a big mouth fool! Never seen her fight properly! Yet!
- kleo: Some of you people are idiots!!!!!!!!!!! Thats why the producers wanted you guys to hate Drita!!!!!!!!!! That was the point. I'm sure Renee, Karen, and Carla have unedited seens talking about the other, why only use Drita's. Drita talks her smack and back her sh... up!
- pretty Love: stfu drita fake bitch I love Karen
- Darren Green: Dritaaaaaaaa OMG I cannot even watch anymore Like GROW UP ADMIT your wrongs and accept them
- zozo S: +Liana Ward get the f off my post and comment somewhere else...if you dont like what I say then so what!!!!!!
- Elaine Rennie: Can’t wait for your book ๐ sis.... ๐๐ค Karen will disappear hunni ๐
- Love Leonard: not if you constantly keep making up stories about people even after the show she said she's done keep talking shit
- Sandra Davenport: good u are standing alone! big liar u are D' you really have a big mouth!!!.
- Michelle Barkins: fuck all the cast except for drita
- Jen Girl: Too much ass kissing for me to even continue watching... Lame
- Art Gozzip Nation: drita is so true because karn soft ass always wants to talk shit out like I really want to see drita fight karen
- taraniso: +CJ Castro Right? She's terrible.
- Liana Ward: I got much respect for Team Drita's but come on man, no one was jumping her, no one was talking about her constantly. She was the ONE who started calling Karen, Renee, and Carla fake when Love Majewski told Carla at that parade that Drita was the one that told her all the shit Carla had "said". And she felt that someone should had called her out on her "lies", and said she was a lying. They're friends with Love why in God's name would they call their friend a lie, when they can't say that? Drita must've did that and don't wanna admit which I see she has much trouble doing that especially in the reunion. But it was HER that started all this drama, and I feel BAD for Carla because she was a GOOD friend with Drita even her mom bought her a house, and why Drita stop talking to Carla and not Ang? AND NO ONE WANTS LEE D'AVANZO
- Liana Ward: +mr hollands opus
Drita just said she's gonna spill out shit about Karen that her friends would love to know. Which I think that is fucked up, NOBODY needs to know about Karen's past, Karen didn't do that shit.
- NiqueTheSneak1: Idk why Drita keeps saying that Karen is obsessed with Lee and her. Let me break it down for you, coming from an avid Mob Wives fan, Karen would only bring him up when someone brought him up to her. In the beginning, in season 1, she told the audience how she was mad at her old friend Drita for breaking her trust and being disloyal by going and marrying a guy that she was with for 7 years. She confronted Drita and they had a little argument. Then they squashed it. Then Drita brought it up again when she thought she was being portrayed badly on the show once it aired. She brought it up to Karen and they had a little back-and-forth on the timeline of events that led to Drita getting with Lee. That was when their first fight happened and that was the end of season 1. Season 2 was mostly about Drita putting her hands on Karen and Karen being mad about that and wanting to get back at Drita. She was still calling Drita a hoe for doing what she did, but she is talking about Drita, not Lee. They called a truce at the end of season 2 and Karen only said Lee's name in season 3 when Ramona brought him up to Karen and when Drita brought him up to Karen. Karen was not there for season 4. Then, in season 5, Karen only spoke about Lee during the reunion when Drita brought up the fact that Karen has spoken badly about Lee in the past. Season 6, Karen got really angry when Brittany told Karen that Drita was accusing her again of talking about Lee and talking about Marissa's boyfriend, and if you watched season 6, you know that Drita didn't know what the fuck she was talking about because we saw everything on the show that Drita wasn't seeing during filming. So Brittany tells Karen that Drita thinks that Karen still wants Lee and Karen goes off about Lee and how her man is way more of a man than Lee could ever be and how Lee is a pussy, etc. She only did that because she was tired of DRITA talking about how obsessed Karen was with Lee which was and is complete bullshit. To sum it all up: Karen first brought up Lee in season 1 when she talked about how she was mad at Drita. After that, the only time she spoke about him was when someone else brought him up. Drita just wants someone to be obsessed with her and Lee when really, nobody gives a fuck. Kudos to anyone who read this whole thing lol.
- SoCal Mom Life: Team Drita all day everyday
- Kevin Lastella: Mobwives smfh real ginis would not be on tv tellin there life stories oldtimers rollin around in there graves rightnow this show truely proves the life is over n done with rip big ang drita Albanian tryna act gini fuck outta here ๐ฎ๐น๐ฎ๐น
- Ashley Miller: drita is a liar and that's been proven...I used to like her until I seen the unedited shit...she is a hot mess
- zozo S: +02Nawal girl get off my post, and fuck Karen! Bye Felicia don't come back!
- doreena acosta: I am not team Drita! She so full of shit?
- pretty Love: +Liana Ward understandable LOL I feel you though but I love my Mob Wives and I got to keep pushing with them but let me just say this about Drita and then I'm over her okay Drita is very sometimey Okay so her speaking up for Karen when Natalie weak ass was talking shit about my girl Karens dad it's typical Drita to speak up but then she flips I'm telling you the girl is just 100% fake but any advance you're very smart from what I can tell from your conversation I can tell that you could see through drita's BS she's just fake and that's just that it was only fair for the truth to come out on her and the real Mob Wives is Renee and Karen because they both were mob princesses but yeah it is a lot of drama but I gotta keep repping my girls Renee and Karen
- Serpents_Soul: Drita!! You need your own show!
- Rochelle Fitzgerald: Drita "doesn't get upset to the point of violence for no reason" but she just got arrested for physically attacking a woman in front of the woman's children because Lee parked in the woman's driveway? has anyone else seen that? the poor woman's kids were videotaping it & Lee was threatening this woman, calling her all kinds of names & saying nasty things. then he calls Drita, and she physically attacks the woman!! I can't stand Drita and her fake ass!
- e-boogie: +deondre watkins I heard she was about 41
- taraniso: Drita gets that mad over tweets as she alleges? No sane person flips out into violence over tweets. Also, where's her puppet, I mean best friend, Brittany? I love how Drita did nothing in this but throw cheap jabs at Karen, but yet Drita claims she's one being bullied and talked about? Someone's obsessed and miserable, but I don't think its Karen. We'll pass on your little novel, Drita - Buh bye.
- Jacob Gomez: team drita
- Jade Juric: I want to know why she acts like she hasn't seen what we have when marissa told her about rumors and she automatically blamed it on karen and then accused her of being obsessed with her loser ass husband when it wasn't even karen who told marissa that. Looks like the only one putting lees name in karens mouth is drita.
- CJ Hobbes: look at all of their Twitter profiles. Renee and Drita are the only ones not talking about the others. They are more interested in their own lives.
- Elizabeth Beltran: Team drita the definition of loyalty
- Espio Flash: Drita is an ARMY OF ONE,she the fucken BEST
- Knowitall Forsure: God Bless ya Drita...so honest and to the point .... so luved you are and if anyone can say other wise..well...you know...lol..luv ya Drita...
- truthtella92: Someone said she was "irrelevant" this season if that was the case those heffas wouldn't be talking about her every freaking episode this season ijs
- Deanna Sykes: I love Drita! I’m your loyal mobster too!
- Jerry Purgerson: TEAM DRITA!!! WE LOVE YA GIRL
- Elaine Rennie: TEAM DRITA....... ๐๐ผ๐ฏ Karen needs to get over it, she’s not a patch on u, DRITA all the best๐๐๐ฝ ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ mob... keep yo mouth ๐ shut Karen.. rules ..๐ค๐ ๐ค keep it real like er DRITA xxxxxxx Ly gal x
- N Hassan: TEAM DRITA FROM DAY 1!!! don't care where Drita comes from she is queen Mobwives regardless of if shes Italian or not! #Great mum/wife/friend.
as for Mr Ethiopian rainbow..have u got shit in ur eyes or u jus fancy men?? how th fuck can u say karen man is a black king hahahaaaaaa funniest thing I heard this yr, wot an ugly broke beast. u gotta nerve comparing him to Lee... as you all know if Lee wanted that fat bitch karen back she would run bk with her thongs around her ankles no long ting!!! so get real you Drita haters, Karen only hating coz she STILL after all these yrs harbouring feelings. If I was Drita I'd b the same.
- doreena acosta: I love Big Ang...
- Amanda Baldounis: Come to Alaska!!!!
- NiqueTheSneak1: Baddest Brooklyn Track me the fuck down bitch!!
Drita D'Avanzo Talks 'MobWives' and Big Ang |
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