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- Mystik al: Shes sound. and talented.
- CheesyTV: I hate her accent. :(
- Mah Gomez: I agree with the "I fell in love with a person" part :) she's so genuine...
- theRickNossi: me too. and i'm preeetty gay.
- jc jc: The cockney English accent is just amazing her and Adele make it so much better. She is so talented and deserves so much more recognition.
- Cindy ko: Trendy Treats21 that's fine, just wanna tell you
- IglooDweller: +The Voice Dubber TVD She did mention Coke.
- LivInADream: I love 'Ain't got far to go'.. it's bloody brilliant 🙌🙌🙌
- Connor Fyfe: Caroline Swift 5:43
- Dizzy Blu: Ariel theMermaid Basically, women can be hot. When two hot women are being hot together its a double whammy. Its like having two flavours of ice cream, normally you can only have one, but this time there are two!
- Mark Poynter: Jess made Clean Bandit where they are today .
- zazzystylez SKITS WORLD: i actually thought she was a black cuz her strong voice
- Frankie Wright: nah i have watched it so many times the reply button has broke 😂💖
- Neymar jr.: Found my new bae😍
- Vishnu Pratap Singh: This Tone !! Its arousing !! In some way. It's brilliant .. Wierd .. Dafuq
- Bertus snitcht: when jess wants to agree with something she doesnt use the regular yeah , she says yeah yeah yeah LOL
- Ines: Vishnu Pratap Singh i know right
- PHILISIWE MKHULISA: love u so much
- Anna McGowan: She is my wife, we are married now 😍😍😍
- ? ?: lol Im sure God had her in mind when he wrote Leviticus...
- Yeye Lawrence: Nope i still watch it bahaha
- Nicole Smrekar: Oh no, that's not just me, look at Hayley Kikyo's last video, there's literally 100s of lesbians telling the same story of "bi" women leaving them for men. most of us won't chance dating any woman that's not completely gay.
- grotesmurf1: Did anyone counted the "you know" she says.....still love her ;-)
- Keith Dalton: +Lee Bowie-Kardashian kill yourself in a ditch
- Karina Newcombe: Caroline Swift she was she revealed it
- Imogen Steyert: im am a big big ultimate FAN!!!!
- Akshit Gupta: I didn't she was bi 😳😳😳😳
- WhateverIsTrueASMR: Such a wonderful human being! And, what a voice!
- ApexPredator: Fucky Your. Omg shut up you fam feminazi
- Chat Castillo: Am so happy when I hear that my favorite singer also love same sex. Im a bisexual so am so happy to hear it. Just go... RAINBOW..
- offal: she is in the video
- theRickNossi: this DJ seems like one phoney, ass-kissing bitch...she's full of shit lol.
- Nick Andrew: Kissinger Kiss She says she doesn't do drugs, but if she's into girls, does that mean she's a "Crack Addict"? Or a Vagitarian?? 😚
- Pat Macrotch: Need to get some Coke in my life.....LOL
- Ariel theMermaid: Sasha Li ok then...
- RILLA MAN: I love her accent.
- Its Just Brit: I know this interview is old but she's literally so fucking cute. ❤❤😍😍
- firman ikramsyah: Jess Glynne ,Beauty and beauty Voice
- Its Just Brit: +adam pavella Its called being a lesbian or pan or bi. Women date women these days just like men date men. How old are you?
- Ariel theMermaid: Kerryann Shepherd lol truu
- Bamsambam33: +Naoam Reyes yeah! I think her name was charlie, i was wondering this too!
- Sharbani: I have been in love with her voice and now I absolutely love her personality! She is so genuine.
- Frankie Wright: shes got a deep voice. i love it 💖💖💖
- tomisnotpurple: Jet lag maybe
- liverpoolfan4life1: absolutely gutted she's bi like
- Frankie Wright: and back with the d'you know what 😂😂💖
- Fern A: +88tazler88 IKR! she's most likely pansexual if she falls in love with any gender, but as she said, she doesn't label herself :D
- Frankie Wright: yehhh shes mine 💖
- Frankie Wright: or the girl from the coke ad. wait shes mine back off 😂💖
- Jason King: Love ya´Jess!
- ᵀʰʳᵉᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵃ ᴷⁱⁿᵈ: Yeah yeah yeah
- Kama'ainachick95: I love her! Amazing and unique voice
- 88tazler88: +liverpoolfan4life1 why?
- Elizabeth Blackall: Luv u I went 1 of ur concerts and got all of ur traks
- Ja Hu: I love her. Her voice is amazing. YAASSS BE WHO YOU ARE !!!!
- dougie1: love you!
- teri hackett: jess glynne needs to daily vlog I think
- BradenRC: I love jess no matter what. #jessglynneismyidol
- Edivicente Boa noite e dia Edivicente: pra quem diz nao do drugs ta com uma moca dakelas.
- Jorge M San Pedro III: The interviewer is annoying for prying in on her sexuality. She didn't disclose who it was. She didn't have to say it like that. Luckily Jess is comfortable in her skin. I'd have said something and it's no one's business unless they wanted to say so otherwise.
- Amy F: +Lee Bowie-Kardashian love your scripted bullshit responses. sing a different tune why don't you
- Connor Fyfe: amy mackie it's not sexist it's homophobic sexist is you making fun of other genders idiot
- Fern A: +The Voice Dubber TVD "yeah..yeahh.lol yeahh. lol thanks yeaah" seems so hahaha!
- Alexander Kennedy: Stunningly beautiful Jess x god bless you sweetheart,
- Neamhdhlisteanach: That laugh at 5:43 though..
- glenn McAllister: Emotionally beautifullx
- Rhys: This has really changed my opinion on her. I don't know why but I never liked her before, but she is so lovely and down to earth.
- Marie Vinel: that accent that she has where is it from? I'm dying to learn it but I never find it anywhere really..
- knees bees: Ariel theMermaid gay
- Yeah you Erd: Depends on which English accent your on about,there's loads.
- Dizzy Blu: Shes bi?? allllrighhh, threesome fantasy activated.
- Sharna Smith: I would love to date you jess glynne. Just to spend an hour with you would be amazing and a dream come true 🙂
- it's not ogre: i can be lesbian if jess wants to date me
- John Allen Cris T. Delos Reyes: I feel ya.
- Nick Andrew: in your dreams. Get in the Queue.
- Fernanda de la cruz: I wish Jess Glynne could date me!
- Fern A: +Caroline Swift Exactly. she doesn't identify as anything
- Matt P: Pat Macrotch I
- Larssonie: try singing maybe you'll sound similar 😀
- Teri Hackett: Same I agree
- Kissinger Kiss: Jess, stop kissing vaginas and get a man!
- Frankie Wright: She is. She has the courage to say it was a girl and doesn't care what other people. She's my biggest idol ❤
- Naoam Reyes: what happened to one of her back up singers? saw her latest perf, if im not wrong the white girl was been replaced by another :(
- amy mackie: ffthvuihgy yguhvu haha ohh yeah 😂 I knew what I meant
- Nicole Smrekar: Bisexual = straights who date women because they're lonely, then they leave as soon as a man shows up.
- amy mackie: don't be sexist you idiotic people, you are who you are, as long as you're happy with who you are and don't let anyone change you for who you are and ily Jess Glynne 😍💚💚
- Frankie Wright: omg i fucking love her. after 6 years i still love her the same!! love u jess💖💖💖
- bhugx ivy: "yeah, yeah, yeah.." I love jess glynne.
- Ke Ke: Such a good interview. Interviewer did so well and Jess is lovely.
- Nick Andrew: Rico Suave Like your spelling. Only one p in Stupid. She comes across as very genuine and confident. Love her voice.
- Hacker Playz: She sounds like me. XD
- Miz Aria: oh I'm in love with her personality
- Kissinger Kiss: You are confused.
- Neamhdhlisteanach: +Karina Newcombe she said she doesn't identify as anything.
- Equinnox Consultant: I'm in love with Jess, truth to be told
- drepop803: I KNOW. me too. I'm in love with her now.
- Frankie Wright: yesss. i would love that
- Ariel theMermaid: Dizzy Blu I'll never understand straight people.....
- Aoibheann The leaf: YESS
- OzzyOscy: Count on someone on the internet making a big deal out of a non-issue and non-event.
- Karen Wallace: The interviewer was amazing with her personality and Jess Glynne is awesome.
- Hamza Spindler: Jess glynne. Wow wi, you are the only girl for me. Ever since I set my eyes apron you, I knew....... How's dat fi sum lyrics Jess?
- Kyndra Nicholle: chun si ko shrugs shoulders
- ? ?: Man-made shit and then they have the audacity to say GOD made them like this... what a joke!!
- daivahataka: Sounds like she has a good approach to the whole sexuality: she is a person who happens to be gay/bi as opposed to a gay/bi person, it is as aspect of her as opposed to a definition. Now if only everyone could see it that way hopefully we'd all be more accepting of one another. Same can be applied to most, maybe all, of what falls under the current identity politics umbrella.
- Tabakova Hristina: Made my day babe ;)
- Tuberculosis_victim: +Fern "Luna" Allen a large proportion of so called "straight" women are at least curious about being with another woman or find them attractive...
- Mystik al: +teri hackett She is sound and down to earth why the hell would she do that? its the practice of morons
- Frankie Wright: Have u seen the no yes no no challenge she did. It's hilarious and she tried so hard. She was like yeah no fuckkkk! 😂😂
- Teknik Group: she is SO hot
- cammy 2178: I love you so much you are the best
- Andrew Gabe: I'm in love with her voice so bad!!! especially to all her song and that accent tho!...
- 주타꼬야끼: huuh?? does she look like as Asian in western society??that's interesting I'm sure there would be no asian agree about that
- Fucky Your: Ella she likes girls, she don't like labels
- 88tazler88: +Ramon Donestevez she's not a lesbian if she likes guys as well, tard
- Popeye the man: those mics are mega compressed sounds amazaing anyway
- Ella Gevra: Is she gay?haha I love you so damn much Jess!
- Dianka Zaletova: she is amazing! she doesn't care, like it needs the guts to say it was a girl. in my opinion. you know like naturally she fell in love with a girl and she said it. I dunno... she experimented... to say it like that. I dunno. but she's a star
- billyisonfire: You know what!!!!
- liliam wong castro: nope
- Jones Ava: the greatest accent is ENGLISH!
- Sha: I have an orgasm just by listening to her speak
- knees bees: all these gays in the comments
- Ytremz: Jess Glynne... *the fucking G.*
- George Mastin: She's gorgeous
- Hollie Paige: Paola madero same as you love her so much
- drazman9: I just freakin' love the Speaker, anybody has her name or number?
- Ally Joy: Wow. I'm in love.
- AZzzi00: 4:07 oh my god shes gay! Uhhhh
- Karina Newcombe: CheesyTV go away then
- rentsk: anyone can translate in Japanese?
- Jen Morales-Correa: Such a beautiful young lady :) More reasons now to adore her! <3
- Rico Suave: she talks stuppid
- Rico Suave: she just broke up with a relationship with her girlfriend, she's a lesbo, it is what it is, but she also likes dicks!!!
- curt wall: like jess so much more now I'm bisexual :)
- Veron Ina: I love her voice ❤️
- Paola Madero: i want to date her.
- pumpuppthevolume: freaking awesome accent
- ᵀʰʳᵉᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵃ ᴷⁱⁿᵈ: What English accent? There's thousands
- Sylvia McCarthy: Wow her hair grown somewat
- Cindy ko: Fern Allen That's not the must important thing to say she's a lesbian or not ,we don't have to disgust this. She's the best person and have the best personality, this is what we should say here.
- John Kimmel: +liverpoolfan4life1 ....that makes her available whatever you are.
- BradenRC: #jessglynneismyidol I luv Jess so much!
- Fern A: That had nothing to do with what i said but ok(?)
- Paula Haunt: I love Jess Glynne.
- Ross Hendrick: I can't eat or sleep at the moment because I am so in love with Jess Glynne. I have such a crush on her! 💝💝💝💝
- Yuri muckraker: so many Bisexuals who refuse to just say they are BI. Fuck Bi-erasure and btw you Pan Sexuals get over yourself your Bisexual and love it and own it LOL! anywho love Jess Glynne, and oh my god so in love with her hehe!
- Saskia Koster: So gay for this women uhhhggg <3
- MsDGIR: Love her, so down to earth <3
- Neets M: the backing singer in question left to do other things apparently....
- BerryCake1000: am I the only one who has watched this more than once?
- caitlin varney: I love you jessica
- MusicAddict96: Bisexual
- Kyndra Nicholle: Jess Glynn is sooooo hawt and pretty and amazing and I love ALL her songs....if I was lesbian or something...id totally want her😻😻
- Frankie Wright: i have
- Tiocfaidh ár lá: Rich B we just express our curiosity. My best friend was English and he was way more reserved.
- Rich B: Why are all Americans so outrageous and way way over the top?
- Donatella R.: totally I agree with you! I love you and love your songs
- Will Cato: whats up Jess Glynn
- AZzzi00: +MusicAddict96 true, true.
- JadeLMXPerrie: Can she like marry me 😂
- TheDullahan: See, it's weird, I never thought she was Asian. I have no clue who Clean Bandit is besides "Isn't that that one group which did a couple songs with Jess Glynne?" I've known who Jess is forever. Never heard of Clean Bandit until I heard them on the radio and was like "Wait, that's Jess Glynne..."
- Erin Vaughn: I Love this young lady !💖🙏 Her voice is incredible ! And she is so Beautiful !
- I'm ALi: The British are addicted to the insane man
- Bontle Memela: She's britishhhhhhh huhhhhhhh woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh😍😍😍😍
- michael john medrano: iEcho me too, proud bisexual here 🏳️🌈
- Rainboe's gaming channel: I love jess glynn
- Tiocfaidh ár lá: "No no no! Yeah yeah yeah! You know?" Lol I love jess!
- emma davis: Right at the end? Doesn't she mean she's in it at 2:40?
- Fern A: +futurepharmdman Yes, but she is not straight. for anything she's bisexual/pansexual. but as i said, she doesn't like labelling her sexuality
- John Kimmel: +The Voice Dubber TVD Or, just awkward.
- Paul Smith: +AZzzi00 there is no such thing as a British accent. She has a west London accent. One of hundreds of different accents in Britain
- Celia Lizarraga: her voice... oh my god.
- Fatima BL: haha imposibble not to love her.
- Its Just Brit: Thats what I was thinking the whole time. 😂 She's literally 😍😍
- Alvin Dela Cruz: i love jess glynne and she is so amazing and beautyfull!
- AZzzi00: Its called a british accent. It's very wild and you don't see it often.
- Dani1998elle: yeah, definitely high
- Dauana Oliveira: I'm in love with this interview <3 I love Jess Glynne and I love to know more about her every day. Thank you for that guys !
- iEcho: I'm bisexual and she's inspirational for me 😍
- clake Not to: "or something"
- Kissinger Kiss: Nick Andrew I see what you did there. To me she's a 'crack' addict.
- glen myles: jess glynne you ready your trophy love voodoo xx
- Fucky Your: Dizzy Blu poor guy, continue dreamy. women are with women just WITH women, make you fantasy with a guys :)
- Matin Tawakkul: 😍
- Jamie Smith: my english teacher looks like her 😂😂 I get taught english bh jess glynne
- TheYoungFactor: I don't want to watch this whole video. What was the summary?
- Andriy Yarmalenko: Wtf she's lesbian???
- Marie Holtmann: bhugx ivy the way she talks kinda reminds me of a mixture of Harry Styles&Louis Tomlinsons way of talking,it's funny xD
- Debbie Anbthony: ah she cool an honest an down to earth. did not know much about her before.
- Veren Gabriella: this host is good other host I watched is not that good lol
- Madhurima Menon: Miss Mima I love her too!
- RILLA MAN: I'm married, but if I was single, I would definitely talk to her lol. depending on what her type is.
- ? ?: OH HOLY SHIT I only saw this now. I had NO IDEA she was gay... Oh shit that put me off... Unsubscribe... Unsubscribe... Unsubscribe...
- J. Hanna: Yo she seems like such a real person. The interviewer needs to chill
- Frankie Wright: Nah she's mine
- Cindy ko: Trendy Treats21 but you spell her name wrong ,is "Glynne "
- The Voice Dubber TVD: is she high!('don't do drugs' PFFFFF)
- Jacob Mares: love is love so....I may still have a chance with jess lol that red hair is so attractive.
- Samazar Chimera: she's so beautiful and talented. she reminds me of my mom
- Ol lac: adam pavella bro your comment relates a mentality of 6 years old. Aren’t you ya? Date doesn’t mean she want to fuck with her . It’s just meet up. Or your mum doesn’t have friends? Probably no, just customers to suck cook for £5
- Simmy Timmy: 6:50 I died 😂😂❤ love her
- Kerryann Shepherd: she's so high lol
- nicola wylie: I cry when I laugh too!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂😋
- Michael Anderson: love jess best singer out atm for me and she is hot for a red head
- C M: She is super pretty!
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Jess Glynne Talks Sexuality, Dating and Crying When She Laughs | |
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Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 1 Oct 2015 |
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